DFW Custom Estimating Material Takeoffs

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?"

Residential Construction Estimating

Material Estimates:


Wood Framing






Wall Tile




Material list will be provided in your choice of Excel or PDF format.

Job Site Auditing:


The audit will document 'installed' material placement.  

You select the material(s) to be included in the audit.  

A comparison report and cutsheets will be provided.

Quality Workmanship:


Quality home construction is a reflection of the skill and integrity provided by each subcontractor participating in the construction of the home...including the estimator.


DFW Custom Estimating assists you in accurately quantifying materials needed to build the home.  In addition, potential problems found in the design will be documented during the estimating process and submitted immediately or with the takeoff.


The accuracy of a materials estimate depends upon both the estimator and installer having identical visions of home assembly.


On-site construction provides great flexibility to tradesmen for assembling materials.  With this flexibility, materials may be assembled differently on the job than intended by the estimator.  In addition, robust markets create shortages of skilled craftsmen which directly affects the care and economical assembly of material. 


Construction plans with well drawn details of assemblies, along with organized material specifications, are the tools which enable accurate takeoff preparation, and ultimately, job cost control.  Engineering layouts must be followed exactly.  Site supervision, skills training and site audits are indispensable tools for maintaining control of material costs.  



are included with each material estimate for  




Cutsheets will be prepared for other material groups as requested.